Friday, 24 August 2012

Custom Stickers Can Make Your TV Screens & LCDs Look Beautiful

Thanks to custom stickers people and home owners can really adorn their TV screens and LCDs in an artful and glamorous way. What is the most effective way to snatch the cheap stickers on the web? You will need to get connected with Printing Ray on the web to grasp top quality, unique, dynamic and colorful custom stickers. Home owners and corporate office owners can decorate various kinds of TVs such as:
  • LG TV
  • Sony TV
  • Panasonic TV
  • Samsung TV

Custom sticker is reckoned to be one of the most beautiful stickers in the world at the moment. This is a special quality sticker through which home owners and corporate office owners can indeed adorn their TV screens and LCDs in an innovative and stylish way. There are various kinds of personalized stickers available for the home owners to decorate their TVs and LCDs including:
  • Custom bumper stickers & custom round stickers
  • Custom vinyl stickers & custom die cut stickers
  • Custom car stickers & custom motorcycle stickers
  • Custom political stickers & custom animal stickers
Besides that you could snatch or grasp many other kinds of outstanding quality and original shape customized stickers on the internet. These are very affordable advertising stickers for the people and companies worldwide. The reason is simple and obvious as they appear in bulk quantity for the customers within a cost effective budget.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Stickers are Stimulating Items For Kids

Generally, it’s an idea that most people conceive that children learn fast by seeing things and physically feeling them than to hear. Even the researches have shown that this is true. Brain of a child is fresh and its neurons are more fast and active than the elderly one. They quickly pick things what they see and observe. This the reason that in the lower grades in the school it is encouraged to educate the child in a more interactive manner so they can learn fast.

Stickers play a very important in the learning skills of the children. They help the children to learn many of the initial things very fast. In many primary schools vinyl stickers are used in different ways for the children. Stickers are fruits and animals are used so that they can memorize the picture of the object shown and the next time they see it they know the name of the fruit or the animal. They are also used at home then by the parents to revise it to their kids. By the use of stickers in the initial ages of a child it also helps them learn the skill to read the different signboards in his/her early age. Children learn early from the custom stickers because mostly they are amazed by the different colors of the pictures. So they find it fun to learn new and new things.

Stickers are not only the tool of learning for the children but they are also a thing for their playing. Many children use custom stickers for playing as well. This is because they seem fascinating to them and adore them. Many people also order custom stickers for their children. Now stickers also have a great variety for the children. Many stickers are now also printed in such manner that they make out different things from the cutouts of the stickers. By this exercise the creativity skills of the children are enhanced to great extent.

These stickers are also made of the different cartoon characters for the children. Now the producers of the different cartoon film use the stickers for the promotion of their cartoons. They print the stickers of their cartoon characters and sell them in the market. Nowadays television is very common in every house. So when the children see the different cartoon shows on the television they then want their favorite cartoon character’s stickers. They then put those stickers on their beds and furniture in their rooms.

So to conclude, the market of stickers is expanding day by day to the vast boundaries of world. They are capturing the market of each and every product. The sticker printing is almost becoming complimentary good of each and everything. The biggest advantage of the stickers that make them lead is that are affordable to the each class of the society. They are very user friendly meaning by easy to apply and easy to wipe off.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

How to Remove Stickers From Glass

All around the globe glass is used for various purposes. They are used as windows on the buildings or the houses that are inhabitate by people. They may be used as decorative items inside house in order to make it more beautiful. Sometimes buildings are constructed to the full extent by the use of glass. Household chores also use the aid of glass. People use dishes in the kitchen which are made up of glass. Most of the things which are used at home are glasses for water and other liquid consumption. This makes glass one of the most used things in the world. However sometimes these glass items get damaged and one need to do a lot of things in order to bring them back to their original outlook.

Why does glass get damaged?

Mostly glass gets damaged by scratches that are made on them. But sometimes other factors also play a role in making them look awful especially at home. On windows of homes where children are present use of stickers is extensive. Children sometimes apply stickers on the windows which look very ugly when guests come to your place. And one needs to remove them at any cost. Professional cleaners take a lot of money and one cannot afford it. Therefore using homemade is a better way to clean your windows. Children use different kinds of custom stickers on the windows and even on the mirrors or the decorative items of the house. This makes everything seem awful. Removal of stickers is not only the problem at homes but in commercial buildings. Logos are stuck on the glass however, when some other company buys that building it is necessary to remove the previous logo that are usually vinyl stickers.

How to remove stickers from glass?

There are various ways through which stickers can be removed from glass and one does not have to worry about getting embarrassed in front of guests. It is easy to remove stickers from glass surface if you put your mind onto it. What you need is some products which are usually available at home and if not they are cheap items which can be found in any nearby superstore. The things which one need are any kind of solvent, cotton and a razor. One can always take other kind of methods removing them by searching for online custom stickers removal techniques.

What you need to do is put the solvent on the cotton ball and slowly rub it on the sticker in order for it to soak in to paper of the sticker. The solvent could be any kind of oil such as olive oil, vegetable oil or nail polish remover. Most of the times people tend to use nail polish remover. After soaking the solvent, use the aid of a razor and start scraping the sticker from the ends which would have become soft because of the use of solvent which would have broken the bond of glue. Keep repeating this process until the sticker is completely removed. We offer versatile sticker printing solutions in USA.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Stickers Used Near Water

When we imagine being in a place which is beautiful and full of surprises, water is one of the things which appears behind our eyes. It can be in one form or the other. Water gives a soothing affect to ones soul and provides inner peace however, in some situations it can be dangerous and cause harm to many. Hence, there needs to be a method through which people can be prevented from going towards the area where harm can occur. If you look around in great detail you will find that different kinds of stickers are on various places near water. These places include beaches, rivers, lakes with great depth and swimming pools.

Where are stickers used?
These are places where people go to have fun trips. This can be with friends or family. Family includes children and it is of great importance that they are prevented from going to areas of great depth so as to protect them from drowning. Stickers are used to indicate the dangers or depth of the water. If you go to seaside there are flagpoles present at the point where sea level is high and there is danger of drowning. These flagpoles contain flags but mostly they contain stickers which reflect light in the dark so that people who want to take a swim in the dark can see them. These are mostly custom stickers which are excessively used around the world for these purposes.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Incredible Uses Custom Stickers

Custom stickers are solid sheets of colored paper. These types of stickers are used on the number of different smooth surfaces. There background is also adjusted with the color of the surface meaning by contrast is done by choosing the color and the background color. The custom stickers come in a wide range of variety and have various uses.

They come into a custom window sized top to bottom cutouts. Mostly they are used in order to introduce a new product or to promote any specific sale offer on certain stocks. This use of the custom stickers is rapidly increases because nowadays don’t have time to surf to the internet or move to shop to shop to find any product they want but they rather prefer to read out the offers written on these advertisements. It also helps the public to know of any upcoming sales and hence increasing the sales of a certain outlet.

Monday, 16 July 2012

PrintingRay Presents Best Products With Its Effective Services and Custom Stickers

Printing ray provides most dependable services; it is also represent its products with rightly manners. It is offering awesome printing services to using latest software. We present best products with its effective services. Though, our special products are sticker printing and folder printing, but we offer many other products in our site as well. We offer booklets, brochures, business cards, posters, packaging boxes, folders door hangers, decals stickers, CD jackets, carbonless forms, label printing, and many more. We know these products are very vital for you, so we want to make these services are trusty. These all products are attractive and eye catching for you, as you oblige to purchase these. We will designs stickers for business promotion so that you can easily promote your business through printing ray.

Custom stickers

Custom stickers are vital product for printing ray. It provides you a chance to get the design of your choice. It is right that you are free to provide any design which you want to develop, but you must provide all details about sketch, which you are giving us; we must develop your sketch in custom stickers. These stickers are modified for diverse purposes like as fostering brand recognition. Many people use them to show their domination and accentuate their own personality. These stickers get to sign for your political campaigns also. These stickers are used in various styles, like, on cars, telephone booths, on house entrance doors, railway stations, and many more places.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Really Superb Stickers!

I never was an advocate of online shopping. But with the passage of time, and with the type of need, one is bound to take steps that were considered a taboo once. Similar happened with me. I always said that online purchases are risky and must not be opted when there is everything available in the market.
It happened last year that I suddenly got a huge order for soaps that my small home unit was producing. I have not hired many people to give me a hand in my work, so I look after most of the chores myself.
  1. When I was about to send the delivery, I came to know that I was running out of the price tag stickers. I quickly tried to place an order with my custom sticker printing company, but sadly enough, I came to know that it had already closed for Christmas holidays.
  2. Seeing no other option left, I finally started checking the net to find a reliable custom sticker printing company. I saw a company of online stickers, and thinking it to be adequate, I starting conversing with their customer support officer. Let me tell you that he was a superb being, as he gave me real good advises which provided me with great comfort.
  3. Due to his good customer coordination, I was convinced to go for online stickers, and finally I placed an order for my stickers. I admit that I was very much wrong that no online custom printing company is reliable.
  4. That company not only printed my provided motif in the best quality, but it also offered my rates cheaper than my regular printing company. I am impressed and I am obliged, as they provided me with the ordered stickers, right in time.
It is due to them that I was able to supply the soaps on time. Otherwise, I would have lost a good client, which has turned to be my lifetime opportunity. My soaps are now in regular demand from that client, and now I am fully determined to order rest of my printing jobs to that online printing company.

4 Exciting Ways to Utilize Custom Stickers for Your Business

We all see stickers almost every day at one place or the other, in one shape or the other. You must have used them at least once in your life, especially in our childhood. We always were attracted towards their bright and vibrant colors. No matter what, but we wanted to get those stickers. At that time, you must not have thought about other implications of stickers, besides the fun factor. But let me guess that you must have been surprised at least once to see so much wider implications of stickers.

  1. I was genuinely surprised to know that sticker printing has gone to such levels that it almost controls the outlook of a business. Mostly, businesses use custom stickers, as it allows the businesses to have their say in their own style. It is exactly what all of us want (am I right buddy?)
  2. Custom stickers can be used to project anything, so all the businesses use them as anything. And do you know, custom stickers are one of the most economical forms of sticker printing! Here I can say without any doubt that any business entrepreneur would certainly opt for custom stickers, as and when he/she would come to know about its cost, and benefits.
  3. Customized items mean that they carry the essence of that person or organization. Similar goes with customized stickers. A business can use stickers to project its logo, or to promote any deal. They can be effectively used as an attraction for the customers, especially if the target buyers are the kids.
  4. Parents will be forced to buy an item for their kid if it comes with a sticker of their favorite cartoon character or story character. You must have seen that most of the toyshops use stickers as gifts to their customers, which works as an invitation for future buying. I think it is the best marketing strategy especially in times when inflammation is at its peak.
You would certainly agree that it is not a limited item, which is specific of any age, gender, or occupation. Stickers can easily fit into any professional demand, business requirement, or personal requirement.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Why Companies Go For Custom Stickers More Often?

We, as people always think about things that are new to us or are above our understanding. You also would agree that whenever the market is hit by a new gadget or a new handset, we all rush to news papers and websites that provide information about its specs. The thing becomes clearer if there are pictures of that item also available. So, we agree that a visual of an item makes it more understandable and clear.

 So, What Is There Besides Picturing The Views?

Likewise, custom stickers are preferred by companies and businesses so that their point is more easily understood. Isn’t it a great opportunity for businesses that:
1.They can gain their objective without having to spend so much on classified ads and television, radio, and mobile advertisements.
2. It is cheap in many ways:
·         Printing letterheads and envelopes with company logos is a cost increasing process.
·         If a company has bulk of envelopes printed with its address and logo, and it has to shift its office, then what would they do with the bulk of printed envelopes? Would all of those go waste? No, the answer is surely custom stickers. They can get their new address printed in form of customized stickers, and can place on the previous address, thus saving a lot of investment.
·         Customized stickers can be used to label the files in any office. They give a remarkable opportunity for adding up as much text as necessary to label the files clearly.
·         If it is a big setup, and the rooms require identification, then instead of going for highly costly steel plates, or wood engravings, these stickers can be opted as a cheaper substitute.

Let me share:

A Few Benefits Of These Stickers:

·         They can be printed in any size
·         They can be printed in any shape due to their die-cutting facility
·         You can get them in any color
·         You are free to select the color and motif of your choice
·         You can add a number of things in one sticker:

i)        Text
ii)      Motif
iii)    Textured background
iv)    Amalgamation of different styles, such as embossed outlines

Well, I think that if a thing is carrying so many benefits, then there is no point in losing it. It is really a potpourri that must be taken.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

3 Ways to Devise Effective Marketing Campaign with Custom Stickers

We all do mistakes, and when it comes to professional life, we tend to commit more mistakes than often. Isn’t it so? Well, you might disagree, but it is true in most cases. The same comes when we are assigned the task of devising an effective marketing campaign. I discuss the same in the followings:

The Race Of Web Ranking
Are we all driving the internet car? Running the tireless race of internet makes us fall in the way, and instead of getting ourselves over the top, we reach to the realm of nowhere. We all are stung by the craze of earning higher web ranking, and in this quest we forget many other easier ways to get ourselves advertised such as custom stickers.

Take Lead From Human Psyche
We all put behind our back what we all used to cherish in our childhood- yes I am talking about stickers. Stickers are great attractors not only for the children, but for the people of all ages.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

4 Reasons that Motivate a Business to Get Custom Stickers

All of us see custom stickers every now and then whenever we go somewhere. You must have noticed that most of them are conveying some specific message to the onlookers. There were times in our childhoods when we used to purchase stickers of cartoon characters just for fun, out of liking of that character, just to compete with our friends, or to complete a series to win something big!

To win something big, hmm that sounds like a good marketing strategy, especially in the case of children. Businessmen and businesspersons are always clever enough to manipulate the emotions and desires of their clients and customers and use it to sell their items.

If you are a layman, you might have wondered why there are so many stickers available in the market. And if you are new in the business world, you must have thought about the aspect why businesses use custom stickers. Well, there are certain reasons why businesses use them;
  •     Liberty to express
  •     Small and quick medium of communication
  •     Quite economical way

Friday, 29 June 2012

Knock Knock- I Am Here to Help You Select Your Promotional Item

I am here giving you a general idea that can fit into any requirement and can help any sort of business and profession with a little adjustment. I am taking you to the arena of stickers, where custom stickers are the winners. Getting custom stickers for promotional purposes is a win-win situation. Any business, yes, literally any business can avail this facility and can take the top chair with their help.

You, at one point or the other must have needed advertisement for your business. Advertisement is the backbone to promote any business, as it can take your business to various new dimensions. You must have gone through the state of confusion various times while selecting your promotional item. Well, I can tell you without any doubt that it is not that big an issue. You just have to calculate your expansion levels and you have to focus on your requirements.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

PrintingRay prints your Ideas with Weather Resistant Stickers

Who doesn’t require stickers? Every field, every professional, and every individual has specific demands. Everyone wants to get the right answer to his/her problems with the freedom of doing it in his or her own way. Custom stickers are not new to people, but PrintingRay has taken the experience of printing to new dimensions with the induction of various new tools and latest technologies leaving behind all the impossibilities and turning them in to possibilities.

“It doesn’t matter whether you want to advertise your business or simply express your opinion about anything; PrintingRay is a fast, reliable and easy way to do so.” With a wide range of implication, stickers come in handy to fulfil various needs. Many people go for Vinyl Stickers, while many go for custom stickers, all are printed in vibrant and durable colors. With PrintingRay, get adorable stickers in flexible and weather resistant stretchy materials for all kinds of surfaces. Getting such stickers for your entrusted jobs is no less than a blessing. 

Imagine a world without stickers; it is completely impossible to find printing solutions especially when an economical system is required to replace a costly printing of stationery. PrintingRay is determined to provide the top-notch quality stickers to its customers ensuring strong seller-customer bonding, and to take the field of sticker printing to the top most level of excellence.